Sunday, December 23, 2012

The tale of wolfs in sheep dress illuminati x terror 2 mr hakimullah mehsud .

The tale of illuminati x terror 2 mr hamkimullah mehsud .

who is mr hakimullah mehsud what is her real name ? how he comes
& why  let me explain the false terror flag of illuminati freemason's & ocult
hakimullah mehsud   is ain't her real name hah this shit ass  jewish in sheep dress
jordan  born  aryeh  benyamin  her  mother was isreali jewish & her father was jordan jewish
in 2002 he moved to afghanistan  &   change his name  he work with illuminati false terror groups  al quaeeda
& taliban  mr aryeh benyamin  claim to lion of afghanistan  taliban  he is thrid head of taliban after  the others leader death
here is little bit tale of  this person  told by  kabul citizens  i reach the afghanistan kabul   in 2006 for news & reports  about agendas
terror attacks i stay  1  7 weeks there  after few day's i start to collecting information i ask every person every shop every  hotel even all
nobody tell me about  hakimullah mehsud  why cause he was dangrous for their lives  last day i ask to a factory work  he tell about  tale of mr  hakimullah he also
tell me that he they prison him 2 years  mr ali khan tell me the whole truth that there is no taliban or al quaeeda it's only false flag war  against inocent people  everywhere
by un etc  mr khan tell me that hakimullah is false name he is a jordan born jewish  third head of taliban he on secret mission giving by whitehouse illuminati freemasonary & ocult
and last is isreal warrior  mr aryeh claim to lion ? why cause aryeh mean is lion in hebrew  illuminati continute to counting inocent muslims even all via secret wars wake up brothers & sisters
before it's too late  mr aryeh  illuminati still  love them and give them all kind of weapons example ak mk etc

all workers list will be publish soon .


by malcolm ali jr

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Who is Baitullah Mehsud ? the x illuminati special worker and agent .

let me explain the moment of truth that  who re illuminati special terror worker's
here is x illuminati favourite men  mr  Baitullah Mehsud  who is he  how he come
mr baitullah mehsud  is  worker and special agent for illuminati secret  terror wars all   illuminati freemason's
& isreal  know that  he is our men  i found bio of  baitullah mehsud  first of all he ain't muslim  he is false worker & agent of blackwater fund by cia and freemasonary  and second that he fucking people mind's since long time
 illuminati freemasonary & occult wan't to see you dead  ?  isreal born baitullah mehsud  brith name  benjamin  Baruch
feb 1974  born place  Jerusalem isreal   1994 moved to afghanistan kabul for huge war  the name baitullah mehsud  is fake name giving  by  freemason's & middle east  secret socities
he use false flag  he kill many muslim's  the zoinst wolf  in sheep dress  he claim to be  muslim but  he ain't  & it's true  i found the truth  from a men who tell whole truth  about illuminati nwo war's freemasonary flase flag etc
that  killed by illuminati  remember there is only illuminati  wolfs in sheep dress  there is no taliban al quaeeda etc it's only big war game run by illuminati freemason's ocult etc  .

keep reading , peace

by afaq ali jr

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What is al quaeeda is it for real or special illuminati weapon

What is al quaeeda  is it for real or special illuminati weapon ?

first of all let me explain that what is al quaeeda i ve spend 12 year's to found about these suckers
that who re they  & why they attack & kill people  is they re muslim's or false flag  hell yeah  in 2003 when i ask
to  kabul citizen  about al quaeeda & attack's he laugh at me he said to me brother go sleep eat & live happy life  he use
only couple words that there is no al quaeeda taliban etc is only agenda against islam by enemy  after few weeks he invite me to his
home i meet with her wife father brothers mothers even all  i stay  few weeks there one day he start to tell me truth about illuminati secret weapon al quaeeda
that how it's name come out & why ?  here is truth told by that afghan brother in 2003 .

The truth .

911 was big  freemason's plan but why that cause 911 good for war on islamic countries  in 90 all freemasons lodges hall's & secret socities decide to make war against islam
but secretly  they start topic  war on islam  & inocent blood of people  then they create their secret weapons in 92 secret meeting between arabic freemasons & secret socities
all arabic secret socities & freemasons give better advise to secret war  american loyal to ark freemasons pick main title their own twin towers  attack  but why they select empire state
for this attack not other's cause 90 percent empire state new york under the freemasons their are alot lodges temples & huge building made by their masters masons  plan is ready  in 94
illuminati freemason's prepared map of war in 95 arabic freemasons & secret socities sent latter from middle east to washington dc lodge freemasons about  secret war  arabic sent couple
huge words for war al quaeeda taliban  now war compleat ready  illuminati freemasons n ocult show their secret agenda's before start   in media tv movies cartoons music hiphop even all  if
you play illuminati card game you will understand truth of illuminati freemasons plans clear  jese jackson a person who show all freemasonary secret agenda's wars  before happen  there is twin towers
in her card showing threat & success ful war who will never stop  so al quaeeda taliban come out  they use their own cia agent osman tim  her real name was osman tim a eygpt jewish born  he was work for
cia many years  osama bin laden name giving by illuminati freemasons  for agenda 911 in 1999 freemasons use jewish mossad to make more successful 30 mossad agents cia agents & illuminati secret blackwater
2 mossad & 2 blackwater workers hijack plans from l a  & hit  the new york g w bush  the master mason ocult ass was in school to showing his shit ass  after 4 hours  freemasons  make call that   plane hit the twin tower successful
then g w bush make call to arab freemasons & secret socities to have party  after few couple weeks  try to war on iraq afghanistan he address speach at un united nation is gaint lodge run by  grand master's masons  all freemasons were
know that their works re in afghanistan & iraq  this is why he give speech they sent troops in iraq first  then afghanistan 2 million's  inocent got killed in iraq  4 million's got killed  in afghanistan  and this war will never end

more post will be publish in next post


by malcolm ali jr